American Pigeon Journal Breed Specials & more

PIGEON BOOKS WITH NON-ENGLISH TITLES FOR SALE:                                                                                      New organization of Non-English books: There is a page for German Pigeon Books and a page for Dutch Pigeon Books.

Updated  July 7, 2022


Shipping is additional and varies with the size and weight of book. Shipping starts at $4.00 in the US and $10.00 outside the US and increases with the size and weight of book.


Books are packed with great care, most are preserved in a poly sleeve with a board insert. Some titles are listed more than once because I have duplicate copies. Prices are based on age, condition and rarity. Many are very scarce. 


Payment may be made by money order, bank check, personal check on a US bank or by PayPal "Friends & Family" option. Using this option there is no fee to either you or to me. I cannot take a PayPal payment unless it is through "Friends & Family".

GALAMBTENYESZTES (Hungarian Breeds) by Winkler Jano, 1925, HUNGARY, hard cover, 160 pages, b/w photos and illustartions, 9 by 6.25 inches, in good condition....................$100.00


by Turecek was the King of Tiger Swallows in Czech Republic.

1985, soft cover, 157 pages, color and b/w illustrations, 7.75 by 5 inches, good/very good condition.............................$50.00 sold

STUDIEN UBER MUSTERUNG UND FARBUNG VON WILD UND HAUSTAUBEN (Studies about Pattern and Coloring in Wild and Domestic Pigeons) ~ Zoological Year Book, Dept of Zoology and Physiology of Animals. 1950, soft cover, pages still attached at top, never cut apart, b/w illustrated, 356 pages, 9.5 by 6.5 inches, condition is good.........................................................$60.00

GOLUBOVI GUSANI by Josip Pekanovic (HUNGARIAN), 1981, soft cover, All breed pigeon book, 79 pages, illustrated, 6.5 by 4.5 inches, in very good condition................................$50.00

TOVGEBOVCTBO (Russian Pigeons) by Pomahob, 1987, hard cover, 206 pages, color photos, 8.75 by 6.75 inches, the nicest pigeon Russian book I have seen, quality binding and printing, very good/excellent condition................$50.00 sold



RUSSIAN PIGEONS 1971, hard cover, 224 pages, b/w illustrations, Appears to be a general book on pigeons, 8.75 by 5.75 inches. small flaws, condition is good...........................................$30.00

RUSSIAN PIGEONS, Yuri Shaposhnickov, 1995, hard cover, 155 pages, color and b/w illustrations,9.5 by 6.75 inches. RUSSIAN.  Appears to me a general book on pigeons. Previous owner wrote name inside the cover, otherwise condition is very good/excellent.................$50.00


RUSSIAN PIGEONS, Yuri Shaposhnickov, 1995, hard cover, 155 pages, color and b/w illustrations,9.5 by 6.75 inches. RUSSIAN.  Appears to me a general book on pigeons. Dedicated and Signed by author,  condition is very good/excellent........COPY #2...............$60.00

LE PIGEON DE RAPPORT PIGEON RACING) by de Pierre Corcelle, 1981, soft cover, b/w photos and illustrations, 244 pages, 9.5 by 6.1 inches, very good condition..................................$40.00

COLUMBICULTURE PRATIQUE (Practical Pigeon Breeding) (French),  by Huges Artese, 1985, soft cover, 200+ pages, b/w photos, 8.3 by 6 inches, very good condition.................$35.00   sold

LES PIGEONS ELEVAGE ET REPRODUCTION by R.A. Robin, 1987, soft cover (FRENCH), 32 pages, illustrated, 7.25 by 5.25, in good/very good condition.......................$20.00 Now $15.00


LES PIGEONS ELEVAGE ET REPRODUCTION by R.A. Robin, 1987, soft cover (FRENCH), 32 pages, illustrated, 7.25 by 5.25, in good/very good condition...copy #2......$20.00  Now $15.00

RACEDUEN (Pigeon Breeds) by Kai R. Dahl, 1934, soft cover, 224 pages, great color illustrations and b/w pictures, DANISH, 9.25 by 6.5 inches, binding was not very well done, however this book is in good condition..................................$80.00

DUEBOG FOR BEGYNDERE by Kai R. Dahl (Pigeons for Beginners) 1958, soft cover, 55 pages, (DANISH),  illustrated, some in color, 7.5 by 5 inches, in good/very good condition...$50.00 sold

DUER EN LEVENDE HOBBY by Anna-Marie Moller, 2002  (DANISH) hard cover, 200 pages, brilliant color photos, 9.6 by 6.8 inches,very good/excellent condition...................$75.00

LE PIGEON VOYAGEUR, Historique, Origines du Pigeon Voyageur, Anatomie, Valeur Sportive, Elevage et Alimentation, Maladies, Vol, Dressage,

(THE PASSENGER PIGEON Historical Origins Pigeon Voyageur, Anatomy, Sports Value, Livestock and Food, Diseases ~All About Racing Pigeons) by C.G. van der Linden. 1950 First Edition, soft cover, in french, illustrated, 9 by 5.5 inches, 185 pages, small fault on spine, book in good condition.............$75.00

Vilaine, Paul - Pigeons, 3rd ed, Paris 1973 (Softcover of 190 pages), general pigeon book with chapters on loft management, feeding, hygiene, breeds with a couple of standards, illustrations b/w) (French) (7.125 inches by 5.25 inches), in good/ very good condition...        $35.00


Dahls Duebog.(Race Dove)  by Dahl, Kai R. 1950. Copenhagen, Denmark: H Hagerup. 250 pages. 150 illustrations, plates and drawings. Hard cover with dust jacket. This is a very rare book, very good/excellent condition...........$250.00 

PICCIONI DOMESTICI E COLUMBICOLTURA  (Pigeons and Pigeon Breeding)  by Alessandro Ghigi,  ITALIAN, 1950, board cover, 464 pages, b/w photos and illustrations, 6.75 by 4.75 inches, very good condition............................$150.00... Now $80.00

IColombi Domestici E La Colombicoltura. Domestic and Feral Pigeons.  (Italian) 6th Edition. Bonizzi, P., Revised by Luigi Chidini. 1953. Milano, Italy: Editore Ulrice Hoepli. 268 pages. 52 illustrations, 12 folding plates. Paperback. 7.5 by 5 inches, condition is good/very good..............................$  $60.00

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