POULTRY PRINTS: Supplements to the Poultry Tribune

Updated  September 15, 2023

Beautiful prints offered as supplement inserts to the Poultry Tribune magazine spanning the first four decades of the 1900's. These are very rare and collectible. I love them.


Price is $20.00 each or 3/$50.00 plus shipping. Each is preserved in a poly sleeve with a board insert.


Payment may be made by money order, bank check, personal check on a US bank or by PayPal "Friends & Family" option. Using this option there is no fee to either you or to me. I cannot take a PayPal payment unless it is through "Friends & Family".


A few have minor faults and these are discounted to $15.00 each.


Please order by the name of the print. These are in very good/excellent condition. Measures 11.5 by 8.5 inches.

Naragansett Turkeys         . . .I have three

White Holland Turkeys    . . . I have three

Runner Ducks      ...........I have four

Colored Muscovy Ducks    . . . I have three

Rouen Ducks          ..........I have four

Black Turkeys           . . . I have three

Bourbon Red Turkeys     . . . I have three

Broad Brested Bronze Turkeys . . . I have two

Bronze Turkeys       . . . I have three

African Geese              ... I have three

Emden & Toulouse Goose ......I have four

Pekin Duck            . . . I have three

S.C. Anconas              . . . I have two

Golden Sebright Bantams      . . . I have two

Silver Spangled Hamburgs  . . . I have three

Partridge Wyandottes   . . .I have three

Silver Laced Wyandottes . .  I have three

Buff Wyandottes         . . . I have three

S.C. Rhode Island Reds  . . . I have three

Austra-White             . . . I have two

Light Brahmas         . . . I have three

Single Comb Blue Andalusians . .  I have three

Buff Cochins          . . . I have three

White Langshans         . . .I have two

S.C. White Minorcas    . . . I have three

S.C. Buff Minorcas   . . . I have three

Silver Campines         . . . I have three

Mille Fleur Booted Bantams .....I have three

Sex-linked Cross             . . . I have two

Light Sussex              . . . I have two

Black Langshans           . . . I have two

Single Comb White Orpingtons ...I have one

Old English Games         . . . I have two

Gallus Bankiva (Jungle Fowl) . . . I have three

Barred Plymouth Rocks        . . . I have two

Partridge Plymouth Rocks   . . . I have three

White Plymouth Rocks    . . .I have three

White Laced Red Cornish . . . I have three

Dark Cornish            . . . I have three

White Cornish            . . . I have two

New Hampshires             . . . I have one

New Hampshires             . . . I have one

Australorps                 . . . I have three

Buff Plymouth Rocks    . . . I have three

Buff-Laced Polish            . . . I have one

Speckled Sussex             . . . I have three

White Crested Black Polish  . . . I have two

Mottled Houdans        . . . I have three

Buff Orpingtons        . . . I have three

Jersey White Giants      . . . I have three

S.C. White Leghorns      . . . I have two

Black Leghorns            . . . I have one

S.C. Buff Leghorns        . . . I have three

Silver Penciled Plymouth Rocks . . I have three

Broiler Cross            . . . I have two

S.C. Black Minorcas      . . . I have three

Columbian Wyandottes  . . .I have three

Buttercups             . . . I have none

Silver Gray Dorkings         . . . I have three

Lamons                        . . . I have two

White Wyandottes          . . .I have two    

Silver Laced Wyandottes   . . . I have one

Jersey Black Giants     . . . I have three