American Pigeon Journal Breed Specials & more
Updated December 17, 2017
$999.00 w/free shipping in the US.
You may order individual issues now. Check with me to see if I have the issue you want.
Offered here is the complete collection; from issue #1 to the present. Included are all of the out-of-print issues too.
I also can sell individual copies at $10 and for those out-of-print at $30 each plus shipping. Condition is excellent/like new. Price of the complete collection will increase as more issues become out-of-print from publisher.
Complete Collection (newest issues included)
21 out of print issues @ $30 each = $ 630
Bokhara Issue (very rare)........$120
44 other issues @ $10 each $440
Total Collection......$ 1,190.00
Take all at $999.00
w/free shipping in the US
red = Out of print and unavailable from publisher
Nov/Dec 2004 Premier Issue
Jan/Feb 2005 Parlor Rollers
Mar/Apr 2005 Archangel
May/Jun 2005 Modena
Jul/Aug 2005 Racing Homer
Sep/Oct 2005 Show-Racer
Nov/Dec 2005 American Flying Tumber
Jan/Feb 2006 Fantail
Mar/Apr 2006 Show Roller
May/Jun 2006 Bokhara Trumpeter...$120.00
July/Aug 2006 The Nun
Sept/Oct 2006 Old German Owl
Nov/Dec 2006 American Giant Homer
Jan/Feb 2007 Jacobin
Mar/Apr 2007 Domestic Show Flight
May/Jun 2007 German Beauty Homer
Jul/Aug 2007 Doves
Sep/Oct 2007 West of England Tumblers
Nov/Dec 2007 English Trumpters
Jan/Feb 2008 Frillbacks
Mar/Apr 2008 Norwich Cropper
May/Jun 2008 Fantails
Jul/Aug 2008 Indian Fantails
Sep/Oct 2008 English Carriers
Nov/Dec 2008 English Long Faced Tumblers
Jan/Feb 2009 Chinese Owls
Mar/Apr 2009 Modena
May/Jun 2009 Komorner Tumblers
Jul/Aug 2009 Domestic Show Flight
Sep/Oct 2009 Oriental Frill
Nov/Dec 2009 Show-Racer
Jan/Feb 2010 Mookee
Mar/Apr 2010 Swallow
May/Jun 2010 American Roller
Jul/Aug 2010 Old Dutch Capuchine
Sep/Oct 2010 Classic Old Frill
Nov/Dec 2010 Voorburg Shield Cropper
Jan/Feb 2011 African Owls
Mar/Apr 2011 Baldhead Roller
May/Jun 2011 Pouters & Croppers
Jul/Aug 2011 Giant Homers
Sep/Oct 2011 West of England Tumblers
Nov/Dec 2011 Pigmy Pouters
Jan/Feb 2012 English Trumpeters
Mar/Apr 2012 Indian Fantail
May/Jun 2012 Show King
July/Aug 2012 Flying Flights
Sept/Oct 2012 Russian Tumbler
Nov/Dec 2012 Parlor Rollers
Jan/Feb 2013 Jacobins
Mar/Apr 2013 Show-Racers
May/Jun 2013 Old German Owl
Jul/Aug 2013 Saddle Muff Tumblers
Sep/Oct 2013 Eng LF Tumblers
Nov/Dec 2013 Turbits
Jan/Feb 2014 Rare Breeds
Mar/Apr 2014 Tiger Swallows
May/June 2014 German Beauty Homer
July/Aug 2014 Show Type Racing Homer
Sept/Oct 2014 Oriental Roller
Nov/Dec 2014 Trumpeters
Jan/Feb 2015 Birmingham Roller
Mar/Apr 2015 Classic Breeds
May/June 2015 Fantail
July/Aug 2015 Horseman Pouter
plus current issues as received
National Birmingham Roller Club Brass Belt Buckle; solid brass, 3.25 by 2.25 inches, very nice, heavy, free shipping in the US...$40.00........SALE $30 sold
WHOLESALE OFFER: I have a TEN thousand or more issues of the American Pigeon Journal and the Pigeon Debut which presents a problem for storage and transporting to pigeon shows. I bought several complete collections in order to acquire the Breed Specials. Special Offer: Buy any quantity of 25 or more American Pigeon Journals at $1.00 each plus a reduced shipping rate. I will select various APJ issues from the 1960's thru 1994 for you. All are in very good/excellent condition.
Pigeon Debut Special: I have sorted out 1,500 Pigeon Debut magazines into years. I will sell any year, minus breed specials for $20.00. Most are with ten issues, some 11, some 9. Shipping in the US is $11.85 with Delivery Confirmation included.
PIGEON FANCIER COMPLETE COLLECTION ~ complete set ~ April 1993 to December 1995, 33 issues, excellent/mint condition, plus shipping:
In the past 12 years I have sold three complete sets at $300 each. I currently have three sets available...$300
The Racing Homer "G.I. Joe" postcard ~ new, 50 years old or older (my estimate)......................................$12.00
"The Only Way to Travel to a Pigeon Show" Reprint of October 1915 Photolitograph; "The Pigeon-Express, Winged Messengers of War, with converted motor bus as pigeon cote, Carrier Pigeons on Active duty with French Army" I have sold many of these at pigeon shows, very popular ~ on high gloss photographic paper ~ Wonderful image .... $8.00 plus shipping.