PIGEON LOFT Magazine Collection

The Pigeon Loft magazine was developed and edited by Carl Naether. This small publication was limited to 31 issues, beginning in September 1944. The magazine didn't last long as Carl Naether was a professor of English and edited contributor's articles so heavily that the authors could hardly recognize what they had supposedly written. This was a contributing factor to the collapse of the publication, printing ending with the March 1947 issue.

Here is what I have. I may have several of one issue, I will pick the best one for you. Condition is good or better. Those issues that I grade below good are discounted.


Price is $15.00 plus shipping.


Updated July 11, 2021

Vol 1 ~ Issue #1 ~ September 1944

Vol 1 ~ Issue #4 ~ December 1944

Vol #1 ~ 1945 Issues

Special: Hard cover bound set of Issues #1 thru #12. September 1944 to  August 1945.

First twelve issues bound in green hard cover volume. Value is 12 x $15 = $180.00 ...............Special Price ....$150.00  sold

Special: Hard cover bound set of Vol 2 ~ September 1945 to August 1946

Second twelve issues bound in green hard cover volume. Value is 12 x $15 = $180.00...............Special Price $150.00  sold

Vol #2 ~ 1946 Issues

Volume 3 ~ 1947 Issues